Terms and conditions Myjoys
Dear customers, we would like to inform you that the terms and conditions you find on this website apply exclusively to the sale of our products via the online store (e-shop) on this website and via emails from our trade partners and our sales representatives. We would also like to inform our customers that the manufacturer of Myjoys reserves the right to change the technical design of its products and allows itself to change the parameters of the manufactured products without further notice to the customer. All with the aim of improving your products to increase customer satisfaction. Therefore, some photos of products may not correspond to the actual version of the product shown in reality. Thank you for your understanding.
A. Introduction
B.Ordering goods
C.Technical design of the product and installation
D. Payment and transportation
E. Complaints
F. Disagreement and conflict with the purchase contract
G. Withdrawal from the contract - consumer
H. Rights and obligations of the seller
I. Rights and obligations of the buyer
J. Security precautions - data protection - personal data
K. Operator
L. Out-of-court dispute resolution procedures
M. Annex - Withdrawal form N.EET information
A. Introduction
General provisions
These terms and conditions (hereinafter also referred to as the "General Terms and Conditions") govern the legal relationships arising from contracts concluded via the online store on the portal www.myjoysbad.de (hereinafter also referred to as the "E-Shop") between the operator of the E-Shop Dřevojas, v. d., IČO: 42193940, VAT number: CZ42193940, with its registered office at: Pražská 2060/50, Předměstí, 568 02 Svitavy, Czech Republic, registered in the Commercial Register of the Regional Court in Hradec Králové - file number Dr 146 as the seller (hereinafter also referred to as "Dřevojas, v.d.", "Dřevojas" or also as the "seller") on the one hand and the customer as the buyer on the other hand (hereinafter also referred to as the "customer" or also just as the "buyer"). More information about the Seller and the operator of the online store (e-shop) on the www.myjoysbad.de portal can be found in section J. Operator.
These Terms and Conditions apply only in the event of the conclusion of a contract between Dřevojas v. d. as the seller on the one hand and the customer as the buyer on the other via the e-shop. These terms and conditions govern the legal relations of all contracts listed in the previous sentence, unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing between Dřevojas v. d. and the customer.
These Terms and Conditions are an integral part of each contract concluded between Dřevojas v. d. and the Customer via the e-shop, in the version valid and effective at the time of sending the order by the Customer, published on the website www.myjoysbad.de.
Legal relations between Dřevojas v. d. and the customer via the e-shop are governed by the law of the Czech Republic and within this law by Act No. 89/2012 Coll. the Civil Code (hereinafter also the "Civil Code"). The UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods negotiated in Vienna on April 11, 1980 (published under No. 160/1991 Coll.) does not apply to the purchase contract, and the possible legal consequences between Dřevojas v. d. and the customer are excluded.
Interpretation provisions
For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, a consumer is any natural person who concludes a contract with Drevojas or otherwise deals with it outside the scope of their other business activities or outside the scope of their professional activities. For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, an entrepreneur is any person (natural or legal person) who carries out a commercial activity on his own account and responsibility with the aim of regularly making a profit and concludes a contract with Dřevojas v. d. or otherwise acts with Dřevojas v. d..
For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, a non-entrepreneur is any person (natural person or legal entity), other than a consumer within the meaning of these General Terms and Conditions or an entrepreneur, who concludes a contract with Drevojas or acts with it in any other way.
The Buyer is deemed to be an entrepreneur, in particular if he states the following: (a) company name; or (b) identification number ("ID"); or (c) tax identification ("VAT identification number"); or (d) data that can be used to establish that he is doing business on the basis of a business license or data of business licenses pursuant to special regulations; or (e) data that can be used to establish that he is engaged in agricultural production and is registered in the file pursuant to a special regulation; or (f) data that can be used to establish that he is registered in the Commercial Register or Chamber of Commerce.
Buyers who are listed above in these General Terms and Conditions of the Agreement as entrepreneurs who agree to the conditions that their purchase concerns their entrepreneurial activity are liable for the truth of this declaration.
If the Buyer is a consumer, it is a contract under the valid and effective Civil Code as amended at the time of purchase (shipment) of the order. Special provisions of the Civil Code on consumers and special provisions of the Civil Code on the sale of goods in trade apply. The contract with the consumer is fully governed by these Terms and Conditions, with the exception of those provisions that expressly apply to Buyers who are entrepreneurs or Buyers who are non-business persons and with the exception of provisions that are contrary to the mandatory regulation of the Civil Code established for consumer protection.
If the Buyer is not an entrepreneur, it is a contract with a valid and effective Civil Code background in the version in force at the time of purchase (shipment) of the order. Special provisions of the Civil Code on the sale of goods in trade apply. Of these General Terms and Conditions, only the provisions that apply to all customers (Buyers) apply, as well as the provisions in which explicit reference is made to the non-business person.
If the Buyer is an entrepreneur, it is a contract under the valid and effective Civil Code in the version in force on the date of the order, to which the general provisions of the Civil Code apply. Of these terms and conditions, only the provisions that apply to all customers (buyers) apply, as well as those provisions to which the entrepreneur expressly refers.
B. Ordering goods
1. by sending (submitting) the order, the customer confirms that he has read these terms and conditions and that he expressly agrees to them as they were applied and effective at the time the order was sent.
(2) All orders sent (submitted) shall be considered binding.
3. each order will be confirmed by e-mail immediately after submission ("Your order has now been successfully accepted. Within 24 hours of this confirmation, we will contact you with full details of your order, including its shipment to you. Thank you very much."). It is sent to the e-mail address that the customer provided when registering (ordering) and contains the following information: Customer details, delivery address, details of the goods ordered, number of goods ordered, etc., the General Terms and Conditions are attached to this message before the contract is concluded, but it only applies to customers who are consumers. This confirmation is sent automatically by the server.
4. by sending a binding order from the buyer (by clicking on the "Send order" button), a purchase contract is concluded, which is subsequently sent by an automatically sent e-mail from the seller (automatically sent e-mail with a copy of the order and the above-mentioned data / attachments sent) to the buyer's e-mail address.
5. if the goods are not in stock or for other reasons the required delivery date cannot be met, the customer will be contacted by telephone or e-mail with a proposal for an alternative delivery date. The customer will be informed by e-mail about the shipment of the goods with the consignment number.
6. please also provide your telephone contact details when registering (ordering).
7. if the customer discovers after receiving the order confirmation that the data has been filled in incorrectly or insufficiently, he is obliged to inform the seller immediately (preferably by e-mail to info@myjoysbad.de). For this purpose, the customer shall indicate the order number and the correct data in the text and "Order correction" in the subject line.
8. the order can only be canceled (revoked) by the buyer in exceptional cases and always only with the consent of the seller. The request to cancel (revoke) the order must be sent immediately by e-mail to info@myjoys.de or by telephone to +49 160 8911 181.
C.Technical design of the product and installation
Technical design of the product
1. myjoys reserves the right to change the technical design of its products and also reserves the right to change the parameters of the manufactured products without further notice to the customer. All with the aim of optimizing your products to improve customer satisfaction. Therefore, photos and visualizations of products may not always correspond to the actual version of the product presented.
2. the technical design of the product is subject to the company standards PSD_0001_0001 (to be requested at info@myjoysbad.de), which are subject to ČSN 91 0001 (Czech standard)
1. we recommend that the product is only installed by a specialist company
2. before ordering the product, check whether the location of the product meets all the necessary requirements (sufficient load-bearing capacity of the wall, position of the drain)
3. the product can only be installed in prepared areas of the respective rooms.
4. neither the furniture nor the washbasin are self-supporting and must be anchored to the wall.
I. Load capacity of the wall for a separately suspended washbasin - 150 kg.
II. load-bearing capacity of the wall for furniture products - 150 kg.
D. Payment and transportation
Methods of payment
Payments are made in accordance with the commercial terms agreed between the buyer and seller.
Retention of title: The goods remain the property of Drevojas, v.d. until full payment has been received.
Shipping service
The ordered goods can also be delivered (transported) via proven partners:
Transport company DACHSER(more information about the carrier here): The company DACHSER offers us shipping services throughout Germany, on time with the greatest possible care for you as a customer. In this way, the transported goods arrive at the address and time of your choice. Acceptance of a shipment from DACHSER - further information can be found HERE.
Goods duly ordered via the e-shop (order via the online e-shop system) will be delivered within the period specified on the product page. If the goods are not in stock, the customer will be informed (by e-mail or telephone) of the shipment date, usually no later than 24 hours after the order is placed (except on weekends). In case of unavailability of the ordered goods (e.g. due to discontinuation from production program, impossibility to procure the material for production in time, etc.) we reserve the right to cancel the order. The customer will be informed immediately by e-mail, which he specified in the order on the day of the order. The customer will be offered an alternative according to his specification.
Acceptance of the shipment
The buyer is obliged to check the goods properly after acceptance.
When accepting the shipment, the buyer is especially obliged to properly check that the packaging is not damaged and that the shipment is properly packed.
If the buyer has doubts about the quality of the goods received, he may refuse to accept the goods, accept them or ask the driver to be present during the unpacking and inspection of the delivered goods.
In the event of partial damage to the packaging of the consignment, the buyer has the following options:
1. refuse to accept the goods and write "Not accepted - damaged packaging" on the delivery bill.
2. keep the undamaged parts and write a "complaint protocol" with the driver. However, the cash on delivery amount must be paid in full.
In the event of obvious defects in the goods, including irregularities in quantity, dimensions or weight or damage, the buyer is obliged to report these immediately, but no later than 24 hours after acceptance of the goods. If the buyer accepts the obviously damaged or incomplete or otherwise obviously defective goods and confirms the proper delivery with his signature, the defects cannot be claimed. If the buyer confirms receipt of the goods without reservation, it shall be assumed that the goods have been accepted without obvious defects. If the defect is not obvious and the defect appears later than upon acceptance of the delivery, the buyer is obliged to inform the seller of the defects immediately, otherwise it is assumed that the defect could be detected by timely inspection and, in particular, sufficient inspection.
Defects (complaints) of the goods that persist in their mechanical damage longer than 24 hours after acceptance of the goods cannot be asserted. This also applies if the buyer is of the opinion that the product was damaged during transportation but the packaging remained undamaged. Subsequent claims for mechanical damage to the goods will not be considered.
The seller points out that the following rule applies to ceramic washbasins: tolerances in the dimensions of washbasins are +/- 2 cm. In the event of damage to the packaging or acceptance of the consignment (goods) with reservations, please contact Myjoys, Tel.: +49 160 8911 181. Note for consumers: The above regulations on acceptance of the consignment do not affect the rights of the customer. The consumer is, from defects in performance, to which the special provisions of the Civil Code on consumer protection and the special provisions of the Civil Code on the sale of goods in commerce apply and whose rights from defective performance are not affected. They are listed in Section E of these General Terms and Conditions.
E. Complaints
General provisions
Each product is accompanied by a tax document - an invoice, which is used if it is a product for which a warranty is provided, and in the event that the goods are not accompanied by a warranty certificate, this is considered a warranty certificate. Tax document - The invoice is attached to the packaging of the delivered goods.
Within the scope of liability for defects in performance, the Seller provides consumers with a warranty for goods that are bathroom furniture under the following conditions.
The warranty period for Myjoys bathroom furniture and ceramic washbasins is 60 months from April 1, 2015, but only unless otherwise agreed or unilaterally provided (e.g. data in the e-shop, on the goods or their packaging, on the delivery bill, tax document - invoice, etc.), provided that this warranty is not excluded, for example, by these General Terms and Conditions, the information in the e-shop, on the goods or their packaging, on the delivery bill, tax document invoice, etc.
This extended warranty, which goes beyond the statutory obligation, applies exclusively to bathroom furniture as such (cabinets, mirrors, mirror cabinets) and ceramic washbasins.
Lights and light sources as well as other goods offered, for which a valid statutory guarantee of 24 months applies, are excluded from this extended guarantee period.
In the event that the service life or durability or usability specified on the goods - bathroom furniture, their packaging or in the instructions or other documents for the goods expires before the expiry of the warranty period, the warranty shall only apply up to the service life specified on the goods, their packaging or in the instructions or other documents for the goods.
The warranty begins on the day the goods are accepted.
The guarantee covers defects caused by an incorrect manufacturing process. If a defect occurs during the warranty period due to a faulty production process, the consumer has the right to have it repaired free of charge.
Warranty exclusions
The warranty does not apply to the sale of used or damaged goods (things), unless this has been expressly agreed or expressly provided unilaterally (e.g. data in the e-shop, on the goods or their packaging, delivery bill, tax document - invoice, etc.), including a specific warranty period for these goods as well.
The warranty never covers defects caused by an external event after the goods have been received by the customer, as well as defects of those goods caused by: the customer's fault; by using the products in violation of the instructions or manuals relating to the goods; improper storage; non-compliance with the manufacturer's instructions, e.g. no maintenance, incorrect installation / assembly (regardless of whether the instructions are in any form, in particular the instructions in the manual, user manual, etc.). The warranty also does not cover damage caused by excessive mechanical wear or prolonged or repeated direct contact of goods with water; by direct exposure to water over a long period of time or repeated times. In addition, the warranty does not apply to goods (items) or their parts (individual parts) that are portable or consumable if they have been damaged or their functionality has been impaired by wear and tear due to the use of the goods (items). The Seller expressly warns that neither the liability for defects in performance (see below in the General Terms and Conditions) nor the warranty applies to wear and tear caused by normal use of the goods (items) and cannot be brought into agreement with the service life or durability or useful life of the goods (items). This does not affect the right to claim defects within the statutory or intended warranty period (after acceptance of the goods). However, it should be noted that the right to warranty arising from defective performance or warranty does not apply to wear and tear and should not be confused with durability. Durability is the susceptibility to wear and tear caused by normal use. If the goods are used, it is likely that the resulting defect is due to normal wear and tear, but it is not excluded that it is actually a performance defect or a warranty defect.
In view of the above, the seller expressly points out that the guarantee for bathroom furniture generally does not apply in the following cases:
- In the event of inadequate receipt of goods
- In the event of mechanical damage to the product (must be reported by the carrier no later than 24 hours after receipt of the shipment)
- In case of non-compliance with the instructions for transportation and manipulation and handling of goods (careless handling)
- In case of maintenance with aggressive, coarse agents or substances containing solvents (see package insert with maintenance instructions for the furniture enclosed with each product)
- If the furniture has been permanently or repeatedly exposed to direct contact with water
- If the cabinets and other parts of the assemblies have been tampered with or modified due to improper installation.
Procedure for claiming warranty defects:
The buyer can register the rights arising from warranty defects with the seller. He can use the following contacts for this purpose:
E-MAIL: info@myjoysbad.de
ADDRESS: Myjoys, Pražská 50, 568 02 Svitavy, Czech Republic
When claiming defects (complaint), it is necessary to claim the purchase of the goods and their defects and have them documented by the seller (e.g. presentation of a warranty card; delivery bill of the goods; invoice, etc.).
We recommend that you also include the following information in the notification:
- Product type
- The product label of the damaged product (the product label is usually located on the box of the product and also on the product itself)
- Description of the product defect
- Date of sale of the product
- Proposal for the desired outcome of the complaint or redress.
The seller (or the responsible Myjoys representative) will then agree with the customer on the type of solution to the complaint. Myjoys. In the case of a personal claim for a defect (complaint), the consumer must be issued a written confirmation of when the consumer has exercised their right, what the content of the claim is and what type of handling of the claim the consumer requires; confirmation of the date and type of handling of the complaint, including confirmation of the repair and its duration, or a written justification for the rejection of the complaint. Complaints, including the removal of the defect, shall be settled within 30 days from the date of the complaint, unless a different deadline has been agreed with the consumer.
In the event of a complaint by e-mail or letter, a confirmation of the complaint will be sent to the consumer by e-mail or post with the conditions specified in the previous paragraph.
If the complaint is justified, the consumer is entitled to reimbursement of the costs associated with the application of the defect (complaint), which may mainly be shipping costs.
Options for remedying warranty defects:
Unless otherwise agreed, the seller will handle a warranty defect in one of the following ways:
1. replacement of goods - This is only possible for a product that has not yet been installed and a defect has been identified, or for an already installed product for which an irreparable defect has been identified.
2. repair of goods - The goods are repaired if the product has already been installed or used. As a rule, only a defective part (door, hinge, etc.) will be replaced.
In the case of a justified defect, the seller delivers the claimed product from the buyer at his own expense to the production facility, where he repairs this product and returns the repaired product to the buyer.
F. Conflict with the purchase contract
The seller is responsible to the buyer for ensuring that the goods sold comply with the purchase contract upon receipt, in particular that they are in perfect condition.
Rights of consumers and non-entrepreneurs arising from defective performance:
The seller is responsible to the consumer and the person not acting as an entrepreneur that the goods are free from defects, in particular the seller is responsible to the customer, who is the consumer or non-business person, that at the time of taking over the item, the goods have the characteristics agreed by the parties, which the seller has described, or which the consumer expected with regard to the nature of the goods and on the basis of the advertising carried out by the seller, the item is suitable for the purpose stated by the seller for its use, or for which the item is normally used. The goods correspond in quality or design to the contractually agreed sample or model if the quality or design was determined in accordance with the contractually agreed sample or model. In addition, the goods have the appropriate quantity, dimensions or weight and meet the requirements of the statutory provisions.
If the above defect becomes apparent within six months of receipt, the item will be deemed to have been defective at the time of acceptance.
The buyer, consumer or non-entrepreneur, is entitled to exercise the right to a defect (notice of defect) in consumer goods within 24 (twenty-four) months of receipt of the goods. This does not apply to used goods, for which the right can be exercised due to a defect (but only due to a defect for which the seller is liable), which in the case of used consumer goods occurs within 12 (twelve) months of acceptance of the goods.
If the goods do not have the characteristics listed above, the buyer, who is a consumer or non-entrepreneur, may request the following:
1. delivery of a new item without defects, unless this is disproportionate due to the nature of the defect
2. if the defect concerns only part of the item, the consumer or non-entrepreneur may only request the replacement of that part
3. if the exchange is not possible in accordance with the above provisions or a new delivery is not possible, the consumer or non-entrepreneur may withdraw from the purchase contract
4. however, if this is disproportionate due to the nature of the defect, in particular if the defect can be remedied immediately, the consumer or non-entrepreneur has the right to have the defect remedied free of charge.
The consumer or non-entrepreneur has the right to have a new item delivered or a part replaced, even in the case of a repairable defect, if he cannot use the item properly due to the reappearance of the defect after repair or due to a larger number of defects. In this case, the consumer or non-entrepreneur also has the right to withdraw from the contract.
If the consumer or non-entrepreneur does not withdraw from the contract or does not enforce the right to have a new item delivered without defects, his part replaced or the item repaired, he may demand a reasonable discount.
The consumer or non-entrepreneur shall be entitled to a reasonable discount even if Myjoys cannot deliver a new item without defects, replace its part or repair the item, as well as if the seller does not arrange a remedy within a reasonable time or if the handling of the remedy would cause considerable difficulties for the consumer or non-entrepreneur.
The right arising from defective performance is not available to the buyer who is a consumer or a non-entrepreneur if he knew that the goods were defective before accepting the goods or if he caused the defect himself.
If the goods have a defect for which the seller is liable and if it is a good sold at a lower price or a used good, the buyer who is a consumer or non-entrepreneur is entitled to a reasonable discount instead of the right to exchange the goods. The above mentioned right of defects does not apply:
1. to an item sold at a lower price for a defect for which a lower price has been agreed
2. for wear and tear of the goods caused by their normal use
3. in the case of a used item, on a defect corresponding to the degree of use or wear and tear that the item had at the time of acceptance
4. if it results from the nature of the item.
If a period for which the goods (item) can be used is stated on the packaging of the goods sold, in the instructions attached to the goods or in advertising in accordance with the law, this shall be deemed to be the warranty provisions vis-à-vis the consumer.
G. Withdrawal from the contract - consumer
Right of withdrawal without giving reasons and withdrawal period
Unless otherwise specified below, the consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract concluded with the seller within a period of 14 days from the date of conclusion of the contract, without giving reasons, in the following cases:
1. a contract of sale, from the date of acceptance of the goods.
2. a contract involving several types of goods or the delivery of several parts, from the date of acceptance of the last delivery of goods
3. a contract for the regular repeated delivery of goods, from the date of acceptance of the first delivery.
The consumer may not withdraw from the contract concluded with the seller for the following types of contracts:
1. for the provision of services, if they were performed with his prior express consent before the expiry of the period for withdrawal from the contract.
2. for the supply of goods or services whose price depends on fluctuations in the financial market independent of the seller's will and which may occur during the period for withdrawal from the contract.
3. on the supply of goods that have been modified according to the consumer's or his person's wishes.
4. on the delivery of perishable goods and goods that have been irretrievably mixed with other goods after delivery.
5. repairs or maintenance carried out at a place designated by the consumer at his request, but not in the case of repairs or deliveries of spare parts other than those requested at a later date.
6. the delivery of goods in sealed packaging which the consumer has unpacked from the packaging and which cannot be returned for reasons of hygiene.
7. the delivery of an audio or video recording or a computer program if the original packaging has been damaged.
8. the delivery of newspapers, magazines or periodicals.
9. accommodation, transportation, catering or use of leisure time, if these services are provided within the specified period.
10. on the supply of digital content, if it has not been supplied on a tangible medium and with the consumer's prior express consent before the period for withdrawal from the contract has expired.
The consumer also has no right to withdraw from the contract, the subject of which is the provision of services, if these services were provided with the prior express consent of the consumer before the expiry of the period for withdrawal from the contract. By placing an order via the e-shop, the consumer requests that the performance of the service contract be commenced before the expiry of the withdrawal period (i.e. 14 days after the conclusion of the contract) and agrees that the service will be provided before the expiry of 14 days. After conclusion of the contract, the consumer has no right to withdraw from the contract. If the service begins before the expiry of 14 days after the conclusion of the contract, unless the consumer pays the seller a reasonable price for the service provided at the time of withdrawal.
Procedure for withdrawing from the contract
To withdraw from the contract, the consumer may use the model form attached to these General Terms and Conditions (see Section L of the General Terms and Conditions). The consumer sends the completed form by post or e-mail to the contacts listed below. The seller does not allow withdrawal from the contract through the model form if it is sent via the website. The use of the model form is not an obligation of the Consumer. If the consumer does not use the form, he must inform the seller of his withdrawal and provide the address details in the form of a unilateral complaint (e.g. by letter via the postal service to Myjoys, Pražská 50, 568 02 Svitavy, Czech Republic or by e-mail: info@myjoysbad.de).
The consumer who has the right to withdraw from the contract in accordance with the above-mentioned right of withdrawal does not have to state the reason for withdrawal and no sanction is associated with the use of the right of withdrawal. If the consumer exercises the right to withdraw from the contract as stated above, the withdrawal period shall be deemed to have been observed if the consumer sends a notice to the seller during the withdrawal (withdrawal periods are stated above).
Consequences of withdrawal
If the consumer withdraws from the contract, he must send or hand over the goods he has received to the seller immediately, at the latest fourteen days after withdrawing from the contract. The goods shall be sent or handed over to the address Myjoys, Pražská 50, 568 02 Svitavy, Czech Republic. The deadline is considered met if the consumer returns the goods before the 14-day period has expired.
If the goods are returned to the address of Myjoys, they may not be sent cash on delivery. In this case, it shall not be accepted and shall be deemed not (not returned) delivered to the seller.
In the event of withdrawal in accordance with the above provisions, the seller shall immediately, no later than fourteen days after the withdrawal, refund to the consumer all monies, including shipping costs (with the exception of additional costs incurred due to the shipping method chosen by the consumer, other than the cheapest standard method of delivery offered by the seller, which he has received from him under the contract) in the same manner - the same means of payment with which the transaction was carried out, unless the consumer has expressly stated otherwise. The consumer does not bear any direct costs with the refund.
If the consumer withdraws from the contract, Myjoys is not obliged to return the money received to the consumer before the consumer delivers the goods to him.
The consumer is responsible for any reduction in the value of the goods resulting from handling the goods other than what is necessary to familiarize himself with the nature and characteristics of the goods, including their functionality.
H. Rights and obligations of the seller
- The Seller undertakes to process a binding order and ship the ordered goods as soon as possible. If the seller cannot ship the goods (due to the sale of stock, etc.), he will inform the customer about the situation no later than 5 working days after receiving a binding order and offer him an alternative solution.
- The seller undertakes to issue a tax document for each order and hand it over to the customer.
- The seller has the right to refuse the order or withdraw from the contract if the customer has repeatedly violated his previous obligation to collect the goods or pay the agreed price.
- The seller has the right to withdraw from the purchase contract (binding order) if the performance becomes impossible for the seller for any reason or if this would lead to difficulties (e.g. due to the sale of goods, lack of material for production, cessation of production, etc.), and if no agreement is reached with the customer on a new performance.
- Under no circumstances shall the Seller be liable for any damage caused by the loss of the login name and password.
- In the event that the customer pays for the order before the goods are delivered and the seller cannot realize the order, the seller undertakes to return the full amount to the buyer immediately.
I. Rights and obligations of the buyer
- The Buyer is obliged to provide the correct and complete postal address to which the ordered goods are to be sent.
- The Buyer is obliged to accept the ordered goods and pay the agreed price to the Seller. The price of the goods, including all delivery costs (transportation costs) of the goods, is indicated in the e-shop before the customer places the binding order. The customer agrees to the final price when completing the order in the e-shop before sending it.
- The buyer is obliged to ensure that no one else has access to his login name and password entered during registration.
- Ownership of the goods is transferred to the buyer after full payment of the purchase price and after acceptance.
J. Security precautions - data protection
Myjoys, the operator of the online store on the portal www.myjoysbad.de, declares that all personal data is confidential and may only be used for the fulfillment of the contract with the buyer / customer and marketing events of the seller and will not otherwise be disclosed to third parties, etc., except for a situation related to the sales or payment system related to the ordered goods (communication of name and delivery address), preparation of a tax document or identification of your payment by bank transfer. Personal data that the Buyer voluntarily provides to the Seller in order to fulfill the order of goods or to send marketing events of the Seller are collected, processed and stored in accordance with the applicable laws of the Czech Republic, in particular Act No. 101/2000 Coll. For the protection of personal data, as amended and effective, the Buyer gives this consent to the Seller to collect and process such personal data for the stated purposes and to use it for marketing purposes of the Seller (in particular for sending business messages / newsletters, etc.) until its written objection to such processing is sent to Myjoys, Pražská 2060/50, 568 02 Svitavy, Czech Republic. In this case, the electronic form is also valid as a written statement, in particular via the contact form on the website www.myjoysbad.de. The buyer has the right to access and correct their personal data via the contact form.
Privacy policy
Myjoys, the operator of the online store on the www.myjoysbad.de portal, declares that all personal data will be treated as strictly confidential and handled in accordance with Act No. 101/2000 Coll. Under no circumstances do we pass this information on to third parties.
Declaration of conformity
We declare that Myjoys has assessed the conformity of the products in the e-shop in accordance with Act No. 22/1997 Coll. on the Technical Requirements for Products, as amended, and the relevant official regulations.
K. Operator
The operator of the Internet store (e-shop), which sells the goods in the e-shop, is the Czech manufacturer of bathroom furniture Myjoys
Pražská 50
568 02 Svitavy
Czech Republic
ID: 42193940
Tax number: CZ42193940
Phone: +49 160 8911 181
Fax: +420 461 653 932
E-mail: info@myjoysbad.de
Česká spořitelna account number (EUR): 5802352/0800
IBAN: CZ93 0800 0000 0000 0580 2352
L. Out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes
Notice for consumers only:
Pursuant to Act No. 634/1992 Coll. on Consumer Protection, the consumer has the right to an out-of-court settlement of a consumer dispute arising from a contract with the seller. The Czech Trade Inspection Authority is the body authorized to settle such a dispute out of court. The website of the Czech Trade Inspection Authority, which contains more detailed information, is: www.coi.cz.
The out-of-court settlement of a consumer dispute is initiated exclusively at the consumer's request and only if the dispute has not been settled directly with the seller. A proposal to initiate a consumer dispute resolution procedure may be submitted no later than 1 year after the date on which the consumer first exercised the right in dispute with the seller.
In the case of cross-border disputes, the European Consumer Center of the Czech Republic assists consumers in accessing the competent body for out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes.
The consumer can also submit a proposal via the EU out-of-court consumer dispute resolution platform, which is available at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. Only an EU consumer can submit a proposal against an EU trader here.
M. Appendix - Withdrawal form
Attached to these General Terms and Conditions is Withdrawal form (form for withdrawal by the consumer without giving reasons) These General Terms and Conditions Myjoys are valid from 10. 12. 2016.
N. EET information - electronic evidence of turnover
Pursuant to Act No. 112/2016 Coll. as amended, the seller is obliged to issue a receipt to the buyer. At the same time, he is obliged to register the received revenue online with the tax administrator; in the event of a technical defect, within 48 hours at the latest.